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how many people are victims of identity ?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Identity theft always starts with the collection of personal information about individuals defrauded. Personal information may be name, telephone number, date of birth, address, SIN number, credit card, password or credit card debit or any other information identifying the person. The victim of identity theft is still alive, and therefore has the right to defend its rights.

The thieves then use this information to perform a transaction or simulating identity of the person defrauded. For example, a fraudster can make phone calls or make major purchases and direct costs to the person defrauded, he may also withdraw money from the bank account of that person.

Identity theft involves a criminal act related. The victim, deceased, no longer able to recover its rights. It is usually buried with the identity of someone else.

  • Nearly 85% of all victims find out about their identity theft case in a negative manner. Only 15% of victims find out due to a proactive action taken by a business.
  • The average time spent by victims is about 600 hours, an increase of more than 300% over previous studies.
  • While victims are finding out about their cases earlier, it is taking far longer now than before to eliminate negative information from credit reports.
  • A large majority of respondents indicates the opening of a credit card (73%) or takeover of a card account (27%) to be among crimes committed.
  • The emotional impact of identity theft has been found to parallel that of victims of violent crime.
  • The responsiveness toward victims by the various entities with which they must interact continues to be lacking in sensitivity in most cases and has not improved since studies released in 2000


Angeleyes May 10, 2010 at 10:09 AM  

thats right...speak it up! everyone is being a victim...

Unknown May 10, 2010 at 5:08 PM  

In february of this year. I found out that my credit card was used to purchase something at BestBuy. The card was used in North Dakota while I was in Colorado.
I went to the bank and the purchase transaction was cancelled and I got my money back.
For a period of 2 years, my card have been hacked three times.
The problem with identity thief is that it is so hard to find those thieves and it a proof that bank or other institutions security systems can fail at anytime. We are not really safe with credit cards.
The good news is that financial institutions do their best to secure personal information of their clients.

Unknown May 10, 2010 at 7:15 PM  

That is right what you say right there. and not only that the thieves use those informations to process considerable purchases via internet, but they also commit crime. One easy way to make yourself caught when committing a crime is a credit or debit card swipe, so the theif will swipe the card either way cause he or she knows that it ia a fake one. Consequently the owner of the identity ends up being arrested for crimes he or she did not commit. And as you just said to prove one's innocence takes much longer time than it took to be incriminated.

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